Anthony Ant

Anthony Ant was an animated TV series that takes place in "Antville," an underground city. It was produced by the US or CA but appeared on CBBC.

The show lasted for one season which consisted of 13 episodes which were broadcast from February 1, 1999 – April 11, 1999.


Four arms, two legs and a thirst for adventure. Welcome to the world of Anthony Ant, the coolest insect on television. Join him and his gang of friends as they grow up in the underground city of Antville – the bustling fast-paced metropolis they share with hundreds of thousands of other ants. Anthony and his friends Kevin "Mr. Cook" Ant, Alexi Ant, Ruby Red Ant, Terry Termite and Billy Bedbug live their busy lives, getting in scrapes, up to mischief and occasionally into danger. They are a streetwise, hip gang of insects who get into exciting adventures, both under and above ground.

Though orderly and running like a well-oiled machine, Antville also had its perils. There are the moles, earthworms and other giant problems to be dealt with. There are also the Bigfeet (humans) who live in the Upworld. The ants' greatest danger is giant feet. The bedrock of the series is Anthony and his gang, his friends and family, and their eventful lives in the wide world of the ant community.

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