Blue Peter is Blue Peter is the world's longest-running children's television show, having first aired in 1958. It is shown on CBBC, both in its BBC One programming block and on the CBBC Channel. During its history there have been many presenters, often consisting of two women and two men at a time.
This allows the programme to relate to both sexes. The show uses a studio for the main format of the presenting; however, there is also a garden, often referred to as 'The Blue Peter Garden', that is used during the summer months or used when they are showing any outside activities. The current presenters as of 2024 are, Linsey Russel and Radzi Chinyanganya.
Each year a Blue Peter annual is published (in time for Christmas) which feature highlights from the previous twelve months of Blue Peter features, and chronicles major guests who visit the studio, the Summer expedition, the annual appeal, and the pets. The style of the books' contents has changed very little over the years, with the only noticeable difference between a 1960s book and the current formula being the increase in colour photography and digital artwork; otherwise, the principle is the same.
In 2013, there was a vote to decide the new presenter. Eight contestants started but after the vote the winner was Lindsey Russel.